I managed to finish the framing for the first small cabin against what often seemed a conspiracy of obstacles. I'm not complaining - well maybe just a little bit - but observing with interest how some days are like this. Every tool seems to drop from my hand, and when it does it is magnetically drawn to the one muddy spot on the site. Levels won't level, staplers won't staple, and when I drive I hit things and run over stuff and generally seem to be incapable of precise action.
The cumulative effect was actually a bit frightening. Roger and I went for a hike to pick a site for small cabin #3, and at a certain point as we were scrabbling over rocks I heard Roger give a yell and turned to see him slipping from the rock face and falling painfully down the slope. Fortunately no bones were broken, but Roger wins the bruise contest on this work session. On a day like this I feel a bit fearful to use the nail gun or the chop saw, it's like asking for trouble.

On a positive note our new visitors, Terran and Brendon showed up today. I put them to work immediately, and perhaps a bit cruelly, moving 80lb sacks of concrete from the truck to a storage location. They had a rough journey getting here, we'll go easy on them for a while.
The photos here show the partially sheathed cabin frame. It seems pitifully little to have accomplished today, but such a day it was. Most of the frame is lying in a pile to the left. Also here is a photo of the new moon, a thin and graceful sliver, showing over the lodgepole pines as the trying day draws to an end.

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