Came up with a really easy way to put up the flying rafters.
Cut the slots in the two outside rafters, lay in the appropriate length support boards for the flying rafters. Place a 2x4 over the inside ends of these supports and clamp the 2x4 to the rafter thus sandwiching the supports between the two. The supports are only extended a few inches beyond the side wall, now install the flying rafter. Now slowly move the entire flying rafter out until you reach the proper measurement. Now screw down all of the supports where they are exposed before removing the clamps. Remove the clamps and fasten the rest of the supports.
No fuss no muss and it is totally adjustable so you can make sure you have the "EXACT" width roof you want to match the roof sheathing.
Sweet technique!
you look handsome and healthy, brendo, and i miss you madly. thanks for the catch-up phone call. hi to the ol' goldmine crew- keep up the good work!
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