Today we finally got to put the roof sheathing on. The first (lower) course on each side we held from the inside and started a nail to hold it while we checked the positioning. A chalk line snapped across the tops of the rafters made this fairly easy. We used toe boards attached with sinkers through the OSB sheathing into the rafters to facilitate nailing on the second and final course of roof sheathing. A 2'x4' opening was left on each side of the roof for access and will be nailed on last using a ladder to get on the roof and the toe boards to stand on. Then the toe boards will come off to allow the roofing felt to be installed. As a course of felt is installed then a row of toe borads will be reinstalled to stand on to then put on the next course of felt. Brian (seen on the roof) will go home tomorrow morning. I think we both will be somewhat glad of that so we can each get some rest. We have really burnt the candle at both ends for the last two weeks. I am sad to see him go though as he is a great friend and co worker. He plans to return in Oct/Nov for another round of work. Before then I have lots to keep me busy.
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